Tag Archive 'board exams'

Real Estate Broker Exam or Excuses?

Lots of people would like to become licensed real estate brokers, but when talk shifts to taking the REB licensure examinations of the PRC, you’ll start hearing a string of excuses…

May 2009 Real Estate Brokers Licensure Exam Results

Congratulations to the 1,070 successful examinees who passed the Real Estate Brokers Licensure Exam held last May 31, 2009 at the University of Makati, and in other places in the Philippines. The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Bureau of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection under Atty. Pedro Vicente C. Mendoza announces that 1,070 out […]

Oct 2008 Exam Results

In the October 2008 Real Estate Brokers’ Exams, 615 out of 1,322 people passed. In other words, about 46.5% passed. The Top 5 Real Estate Brokers (as far as the October 2008 Real Estate Brokers Licensure Examination is concerned) has scores ranging from 79% to 86%. Let’s make that Top 5 positions, since there were […]